Export, Import, Transportation and Tourism July 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Tamiang Regency

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Export, Import, Transportation and Tourism July 2020

Export, Import, Transportation and Tourism July 2020Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 2, 2020
File Size : 1.43 MB


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The export value of goods from Aceh Province in July 2020 experienced an increase compared to June 2020, the export value of Aceh Province was USD 23,990,129 or an increase of 7.32 percent.
The import value of Aceh Province in July 2020 was recorded at USD 1,887,841, this value decreased by 5.62 percent compared to June 2020.
The trade balance of Aceh Province in July 2020 experienced a surplus of 22,102,288 USD, or an increase of 8.59 percent when compared to the previous month.
The percentage of total commodity export value from Aceh Province that was exported through other provinces in July 2020 was 56.30 percent of the total export value of commodities from Aceh Province which amounted to 23,990,065 USD.
In July 2020 the number of passengers registered at the airport reached 15,833 people, or an increase of 100.72 percent compared to June 2020. In total in Aceh Province, the number of passengers in July 2020 reached 18,356 people, an increase compared to the month of June 2020. June 2020 89.45 percent. The highest number of sea transport passengers in July 2020 was at Ulee Lheue port, which was recorded at 30,539 passengers, an increase of 3.53 percent from June 2020. In total in Aceh Province, the number of passengers in July 2020 only reached 72,912 people, experiencing an increase of 8.99 percent compared to June 2020.
There were no foreign tourists (tourists) who entered through the gate of arrival in Aceh Province in July 2020, decreased by 100 percent compared to July 2019. The cumulative number of foreign tourists (January - July 2020) was 10,402 people, decreased by 35, 65 percent compared to the same period in 2019.
The Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) of star hotels in Aceh Province in July 2020 was 18.23 percent, an increase of 4.50 points compared to June 2020, while the ROR for other accommodation in July 2020 was only 19.20 percent, experiencing an increase of 3.63 points when compared to June 2020.
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