Farmers Exchange Rate, Inflation Rural and Paddy Producer Price Period October 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Tamiang Regency

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Farmers Exchange Rate, Inflation Rural and Paddy Producer Price Period October 2020

Farmers Exchange Rate, Inflation Rural and Paddy Producer Price Period October 2020Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 4, 2020
File Size : 1.22 MB


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Based on the results of monitoring rural prices in several areas in Aceh Province in October 2020, the Farmers Exchange Rate was 98.52 or decreased by 0.37 percent. This is because the index received by farmers (It) increased by 0.23 percent, while the index paid by farmers (Ib) increased by 0.60 percent. This is due to a decrease in the Exchange Rate of Farmers in the food crop sub-sector, smallholder plantation sub-sector, and livestock sub-sector.
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