Kota Kualasimpang Sub District In Figures 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Tamiang Regency

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Kota Kualasimpang Sub District In Figures 2013

Catalog Number : 1102001.1114
Publication Number : 1102001111404
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : May 28, 2015
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 1.17 MB


Kota Kualasimpang Sub District In Figures is an annual publication that is published periodically by Statistics of Aceh Tamiang. This publication is intended to provide an overview of developments in general of Kota Kualasimpang Sub district covering the state of geography, government, population and workforce, social, agriculture, industry and trade, transport and communication, finance and pricing, regional income and some data supplement. The data presented in this publication is not much different from the previous year and the publication has always endeavored continuity of data. By presenting both last seen several years of data are collected directly (primary data) and data taken from administrative agencies/ offices/ government institutions and the private sector (secondary data).
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang

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